SCP-272-JP Translated
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Greenroom prior to containment. Sunlight is shining down on the floor.


Outward appearance of abandoned ██████ Theater, the discovered location of SCP-272-JP.

Item#: SCP-272-JP

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedure: SCP-272-JP was already removed from its original location and was transferred to Large-Scale Object Containment Area at Site-81██.Admittance into the area for the purpose of testing or otherwise is to be performed through drone basically. Female personnel may enter the area when approved by a Level 3 clearance personnel, but it is not be recommended. Male personnel are completely forbidden to enter the area.

Description: SCP-272-JP is a floor face of greenroom of abandoned ██████ Theater, located in ██ City of Okayama prefecture. Anomalous effect of SCP-272-JP manifests when a male who has the healthy reproductive systems (except for homosexual person) put his foot on the floor.

Exposed subject claims that he can see a female who is wearing a luxurious dress, named "Floora"1, is lying on her back on the floor. Hereby, exposed person is referred to as SCP-272-JP-1, and "Floora" is referred to as SCP-272-JP-2. SCP-272-JP-2 can only be perceived by SCP-272-JP-1, and is confirmed to be lying down in the same posture by all accounts. These effects does not apply when a drone is used to proceed on the floor. Similarly, merely opening the door is not enough to observe this anomaly. SCP-272-1 lies on his face on the floor while still perceiving SCP-272-JP as a real female. Then, in most cases, SCP-272-JP-1 takes various action that is believed to be suitable for a lover who has an intimate relation above a certain level, which include:

  • Whisper the words of love to SCP-272-JP-2
  • Declare that he will protect SCP-272-JP
  • Make a hug gesture

These actions seem to override any other instructions.

After taking action, SCP-272-JP-1 begins to show another symptom, heading to the outside by the guide of invisible SCP-272-JP-2. It is hypothesized that SCP-272-JP-1 is acting in accordance with SCP-272-JP-2's instructions. Even after being removed from SCP-272-JP, SCP-272-1-JP continues to perceive that the floor faces of any other structures are what eventually lead to SCP-272-JP. During interviews, despite SCP-272-1-JP didn't perceive SCP-272-JP-2 on the floor of other structure, all of them claimed "She is there, even when I can't see". On this phase, SCP-272-JP can impart same anomalous property to other floor faces by lying down on the space that is considered as the floor of a structure2. After this, SCP-272-JP-1 takes similar action as he do in SCP-272-JP. Test results has shown that the interval of these actions is approximately 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Amnestic treatment can erase the memory of "Floora" from SCP-272-JP-1. But SCP-272-JP-1 still claims "I'm feeling someone is waiting for me" and actively attempts to lie down on the floor. It is believed that the effect of SCP-272-JP spreads completely at the point SCP-272-JP-1 once laid himself down. However, it seems not to be spread on the space where human don't perceive as a floor3.

Once exposed to SCP-272-JP, in the end, subject ceases to be aroused a sexual desire and excitement for anyone, save for SCP-272-JP-2; men who are already married or have a girlfriend are no exception. An attempt to prevent recidivism of sexual-offenders by utilizing this nature is being planned. It was discovered that exposed subjects completely lack standard ethics and self-controls, and immediately start [REDACTED]ing when they receive the order of SCP-272-JP-2 without regard to surrounding conditions. Male personnel are fully prohibited to expose to SCP-272-JP.

Via the drone, an interview with a D-class (who entered into SCP-272-JP, exposed to its anomalous property and was lying himself down on the floor) was carried out.

Shortly after the transfer, the above D-Class (hereafter SCP-272-JP-1) tried to escape to outside; he was secured and interviewed anew.

Addendum: Shortly after the discovery of SCP-272-JP, 5 worn-out booklet, possibly the scripts of a play, were also found in the greenroom. 4 instances of these scripts were too decayed to read, but the last one, titled as "Predilection", was partially decipherable. Origin of the scripts are unidentified, and these are not recognized by the other theaters and theatrical companies. Furthermore, an underlined line was found in the script of "Predilection". Line in question read as follows:

[Illegible] in such a place [Illegible] is……[Illegible] was. So, please.
Flora4: “……Ah, [Illegible, likely a man’s name]……! More! I never care, even in right here, right now……!”
[Illegible]at, can't hold [Illegible]ymore.


Original Article:
SCP-272-JP "「ユカ」"

Original Author:


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